Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I want to discuss the talks of more gun control, bans on assault rifles, and more security guards/police officers in schools.  While I was growing up members of my family were and still are gun owners.  As a child I was taught that guns are for sport, food and protection.  Weapons need to be handled with extreme care, and they are not toys.  There are too many people today that own weapons that have not had any kind of guidance on how to handle or use and they just have them because they look "cool".
I'm all for thorough background checks and checking the mental health of individuals who want to own weapons but there has to be something in place to  keep them from getting into the wrong hands and obviously what we have right now is not working.  I also think that maybe some kind of training should be mandatory for new gun owners or a refresher course for those who already have them.  I don't know how to solve this but something needs to be done.
 To ban a certain type of weapon though, just because its "more powerful" then the next, should that mean that we ban cars that can go ridiculously fast?  No, its the people behind the wheel or the people behind the trigger that make the destructive decisions not the object.  
I like the idea of bringing back more police and security in areas that are potentially high risk for incidences.  And what is the deal with that NRA commercial?  Come on seriously, why would they use the presidents children as the focus of the issue, that is ridiculous!  Yes they have protection, and yes our children should have protection too but they are more of a target than the average Joe Schmo.  I'm going to leave it at that, let me know what you think.........

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